You can search for identifiers within the package.
in-package search v0.2.0
Support for json objects that contain a field that indicates the type of that object. The following
{ "type": "User", "id": "abc123", "age": 52 }
gets converted into a pair
[ "User", { "type": "User", "id": "abc123", "age": 52 } ]
A corresponding ATD type definition is
type obj = [ | User of user | ... ] <json adapter.ocaml="Atdgen_codec_runtime.Json_adapter.Type_field"> type user = { id: string; age: int; (* The following field definition is supported, albeit useless. *) type_ <json name="type">: string; }
module type Param = sig ... end
module Default_param : Param
Default parameters, using type_field_name = "type".
type_field_name = "type"
Default adapter assuming a "type" field.
include S
val normalize : Json.t -> Json.t
Convert a real json tree into an atd-compliant form.
val restore : Json.t -> Json.t
Convert an atd-compliant json tree into a real json tree.
module Make (Param : Param) : S
Functor, allowing the use of a custom parameter: