package async_smtp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Wrapper arround Log.Message.t that allows access to various standardised tag names.

module Action : Core.Identifiable with type t = string
type 'a with_info = flows:Flows.t -> component:Component.t -> here:Core.Source_code_position.t -> ?local_ip_address:Async.Socket.Address.Inet.t -> ?remote_address:Core.Host_and_port.t -> ?remote_ip_address:Async.Socket.Address.Inet.t -> ?email: [ `Fingerprint of Mail_fingerprint.t | `Email of Async_smtp_types.Email.t | `Envelope of Async_smtp_types.Smtp_envelope.t ] -> ?message_size:int -> ?rfc822_id:string -> ?local_id:Async_smtp_types.Smtp_envelope.Id.t -> ?sender: [ `Sender of Async_smtp_types.Smtp_envelope.Sender.t | `String of string ] -> ?recipients: [ `Email of Async_smtp_types.Email_address.t | `String of string ] list -> ?spool_id:string -> ?command:Smtp_command.t -> ?reply:Smtp_reply.t -> ?session_marker:Session_marker.t -> ?tags:(string * string) list -> 'a
type t = Async.Log.Message.t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val create : (Action.t -> t) with_info
val debugf : (('a, unit, string, t) Core.format4 -> 'a) with_info
val of_error : (Core.Error.t -> t) with_info
val info : (unit -> t) with_info
val level : t -> Level.t
val time : t -> Core.Time.t
val flows : t -> Flows.t

Encoded as one tag 'flow' for each Flow id

val component : t -> Component.t

The originating component, encoded as tag 'component'. Use of with_flow_and_component will cause this tag to be rewritten.

val action : t -> Action.t

Alias for the message field.

val find_tag' : t -> tag:string -> f:(string -> 'a) -> 'a option
val find_tag : t -> tag:string -> string option
val tags : t -> (string * string) list
val rfc822_id : t -> string option
val local_id : t -> Async_smtp_types.Smtp_envelope.Id.t option
val spool_id : t -> string option
val sender : t -> [ `Sender of Async_smtp_types.Smtp_envelope.Sender.t | `String of string ] option
val recipients : t -> [ `Email of Async_smtp_types.Email_address.t | `String of string ] list option
val email : t -> Mail_fingerprint.t option
val local_ip_address : t -> Async.Socket.Address.Inet.t option
val remote_address : t -> Core.Host_and_port.t option
val remote_ip_address : t -> Async.Socket.Address.Inet.t option
val command : t -> Smtp_command.t option
val reply : t -> Smtp_reply.t option
val session_marker : t -> Session_marker.t option

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