Module type
Class type
Async operations on Core_kernel.Bus
val pipe1_exn :
('a -> unit, [> ]) Bus.t ->
Core_kernel.Source_code_position.t ->
'a Async_kernel.Pipe.Reader.t
pipe1_exn t
returns a pipe of updates from t
by subscribing to t
. Closing the pipe unsubscribes from t
. Closing t
closes the pipe. pipe1_exn
raises in the same circumstances as subscribe_exn
module First_arity : sig ... end
val first_exn :
?stop:unit Async_kernel.Deferred.t ->
('c, [> ]) Bus.t ->
Core_kernel.Source_code_position.t ->
('c, 'f, 'r) First_arity.t ->
f:'f ->
'r Async_kernel.Deferred.t
first_exn here t arity ~f
returns a deferred that becomes determined with value r
when the first event is published to t
where f
returns Some r
. first_exn
then unsubscribes from t
, ensuring that f
is never called again after it returns Some
. first_exn
raises if it can't subscribe to the bus, i.e., if subscribe_exn
raises. If f
raises, then first_exn
raises to the monitor in effect when first_exn
was called. first_exn
takes time proportional to the number of bus subscribers.
If stop
is provided and becomes determined, f
will not be called again, it will unsubscribe from the bus, and the deferred that was returned by first_exn
will never become determined.