package asn1-combinators

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module G = Asn_core.Generic
type config = {
  1. strict : bool;
type coding =
  1. | Primitive of int
  2. | Constructed of int
  3. | Constructed_indefinite
module Header : sig ... end
module Gen : sig ... end
module TM : sig ... end
module Cache : sig ... end
val err_type : ?form:[< `Both | `Cons | `Prim Both ] -> Asn_core.Tag.t -> G.t -> 'a
val primitive : Asn_core.Tag.t -> (Cstruct.t -> 'a) -> G.t -> 'a
val constructed : Asn_core.Tag.t -> (G.t list -> 'a) -> G.t -> 'a
val string_like : config -> Asn_core.Tag.t -> (module Prim.Prim_s with type t = 'a) -> G.t -> 'a
val c_prim : 'a. config -> Asn_core.tag -> 'a Asn_core.prim -> G.t -> 'a
val peek : 'a Asn_core.asn -> G.t -> bool
type opt = Cache.t * config
val c_asn : 'a. 'a Asn_core.asn -> opt:opt -> G.t -> 'a
val c_explicit : 'a. 'a Asn_core.asn -> opt:opt -> G.t list -> 'a
val c_seq : 'a. 'a Asn_core.sequence -> opt:opt -> G.t list -> 'a
val c_set : 'a. 'a Asn_core.sequence -> opt:opt -> G.t list -> 'a
val compile_ber : 'a Asn_core.asn -> Cstruct.t -> 'a * Cstruct.t
val compile_der : 'a Asn_core.asn -> Cstruct.t -> 'a * Cstruct.t

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