package asak

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val parsetree_of_string : string -> Parsetree.structure Monad_error.ErrS.t

If string is a valid OCaml code, return its parsetree.

val init_env : ?to_open:string -> unit -> Env.t

Initial typing envrionement, maybe with an other openened library.

val type_with_init : ?to_open:string -> Parsetree.structure -> Typedtree.structure Monad_error.ErrS.t

Typecheck a parsetree with the initial environement.

val has_name : string -> Typedtree.value_binding -> bool

Check if a value_binding is a variable with the given name.

val get_specific_lambda_of_typedtree : string -> Typedtree.structure -> Lambda.lambda Monad_error.ErrS.t

Extract a specific let binding in a typedtree, and transform it in a lambda expression.

val find_let_in_parsetree_items : string -> Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.structure_item option

Find a specific toplevel let-definition.

val rev_lambdas_of_lst : string -> Typedtree.structure -> Lambda.lambda list

Return all let bindings of a typedtree converted in lambda expressions.


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