package ansifmt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Color : sig ... end

Color encodes ANSI colors.

module IO : sig ... end
module Formatting : sig ... end
module Styling : sig ... end
type color = Color.t
type styling = Styling.t
type stylizer = Formatting.Stylizer.t
val make_styling : ?foreground:Color.t -> ?background:Color.t -> ?bold:bool -> ?dim:bool -> ?italic:bool -> ?underlined:bool -> unit -> Styling.t
val format : ?stylizer:(Ansifmt__Formatting.Token_type.t -> Styling.t) -> 'a -> using:(module Ansifmt__Formatting.TOKENIZABLE with type t = 'a) -> string
val print_formatted : ?stylizer:Formatting.Stylizer.t -> ?line_end:string -> ?out:out_channel -> 'a -> using:(module Formatting.TOKENIZABLE with type t = 'a) -> unit

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