package alt-ergo

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type system = (int * t2) list * t2
type i_result = Simplex(AltErgoLib.Numbers.Q).Core_Simplex.i_result =
  1. | I_unsat of system
  2. | I_unbound of system
  3. | I_max of system
exception E_max of system
exception E_unbound of system
exception E_unsat of system
val len : int Stdlib.ref
val co_opt : t2 option Stdlib.ref
val v_ghost : string
val main_simplex : bool Stdlib.ref
val reset_refs : int -> unit
val index_of_ghost : int array -> int
val line_with_min_const : ('a * t2) list -> 'a * t2
val subst : t2 -> int -> t2 -> unit
val subst_line : sbt -> (int * t2) -> unit
val subst_ctx : (int * t2) list -> sbt -> unit
exception Choose_index of int
val choose_var : (int * t2) list -> t2 -> (int Stdlib.Queue.t * 'a) -> int
val choose_eq : (int * t2) list -> t2 -> int -> int * t2
val change_pivot : int -> (int * t2) -> 'a array -> 'b -> sbt
val cpt : int Stdlib.ref
val last_cost : (AltErgoLib.Numbers.Q.t * AltErgoLib.Numbers.Q.t) Stdlib.ref
val loops : 'a array -> ('b Stdlib.Queue.t * 'c) -> (AltErgoLib.Numbers.Q.t * AltErgoLib.Numbers.Q.t) -> bool
val nbloops : int Stdlib.ref
val simplex : (int * t2) list -> t2 -> int array -> (int Stdlib.Queue.t * 'a) -> 'b
val delete_ghost : int -> t2 -> (int * t2) list -> 'a array -> 'b -> (int * t2) list
val report_unsat : int array -> 'a -> (int * t2) list -> t2 -> (int * t2) list * bool
val report_max : int array -> 'a -> (int * t2) list -> t2 -> (int * t2) list * bool
val init_simplex : (int * t2) list -> (int * t2) -> int array -> (int Stdlib.Queue.t * 'a) -> (int * t2) list * bool
val retrieve_cost : int array -> t2
val solve : t2 -> (int * t2) list -> int array -> (int Stdlib.Queue.t * 'a) -> i_result
val infos_of : int array -> int Stdlib.Queue.t -> t2 -> (int * t2) list -> rich_result
val result_extraction : int array -> int Stdlib.Queue.t -> i_result -> result
val core_main : t2 -> (int * t2) list -> int array -> result

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