Pretty Printer: Generate nicely formatted ascii text.
The usage of the pretty printer is best explained by an example. Suppose we want to print the function application f a b (g c d) e
where the function names and arguments might have different length. We create a document which represents the structure by
let doc =
group (
text "f" <+> space <+>
" "
[text "a";
text "b";
group (
text "(g" <+> space <+>
(stack_or_pack " " [text "c"; text "d"])
<+> text ")");
text "e"])
where text "blabla"
is a document with some unbreakable text, <+>
concatenates two documents, space
is a break hint whose alternative text is a blank, stack_or_pack atxt [...]
stacks a list of documents separated by a break hint with the alternative text atxt
The command
let stream = layout 5 doc
creates a stream of characters which is nicely formatted using a desired line width of 5 characters. Since 5 characters are not enough to put any of the subterms completely on a line, the output is
i.e. each break hint is printed as a newline.
If we give the pretty printer a line width of 10, it could pack the application g c d
on a line and print
(g c d)
If the pretty printer has enough line width e.g. a line width of 15, it can put the whole expression on a line.
f a b (g c d) d
By using stack_or_pack
we instructed the pretty printer to either print all break hints as newlines or all break hints with their alternative texts. If we use pack
instead of stack_or_pack
, the pretty printer tries to pack as many arguments as possible on a line.
E.g. with a line width of 11 and using pack
instead of stack_or_pack
we get the output
a b
(g c d) d
With a line width of 10 and using pack
we get
a b
(g c d)
because the pretty printer cannot pack (g c d)
and d
on a single line.
Character Stream
The basic type t
of the pretty printer is a lazy character stream. I.e. characters are only generated if needed. The pretty printer implements the interface Module_types.READABLE
to represent a character stream. You can ask the stream has_more r
whether there are more characters in the stream and peek r
to get the next character. The instruction advance r
returns the stream r
advanced by one character position.
The pretty printer has a function string_of r
to return a string representation of the character stream.
However you very rarely need a string representation of a character stream. All io function in Fmlib
are able to handle character streams.
Generate Documents
Clearly, it is tedious to write documents by hand. Usually you have some tree like structure and you want to generate a document from the tree structure.
Let's assume you have a tree structure like
type tree =
{ name: string; children: tree list; }
let leaf (name: string): tree =
{name; children = [] }
let tree (name: string) (children: tree list): tree =
{name; children}
Write a function which converts the tree structure to a document.
let doc_of_tree (tree: tree): doc =
let rec doc is_top tree =
match tree.children with
| [] ->
| _ ->
let d =
" " 2
(children tree.children ())
if is_top then
char '(' <+> d <+> char ')'
and children lst () =
match lst with
| [last] ->
doc false last
| head :: tail ->
doc false head <+> space
>> children tail (* Lazy concatenation!! *)
| [] ->
assert false (* 'lst' is never empty *)
doc true tree
Then the simple command
[leaf "a";
leaf "b";
tree "g" [leaf "c"; leaf "d"];
leaf "e"]
|> layout 10
generates the character stream
(g c d)
Note the usage of the lazy concatentation operator >>
in the recursive part of the function handling the children. This makes sure that even if the tree structure is hugh, the iteration over it is done only on demand. I.e. recursive calls are made only if the corresponding characters are needed when processing the character stream.
A readable character stream.
has_more r
Does the stream r
have more characters to read?
peek r
The next character in the stream r
advance r
The character stream r
advance by one position.
val string_of : t -> string
string_of r
A string representation of the stream r
val layout : int -> doc -> t
layout width doc
Layout the document doc
with a the line width
val layout_with_ribbon : int -> int -> doc -> t
layout width ribbon doc
Layout the document doc
with a the line width
and the ribbon
width. Note: width
is the complete line width and ribbon
is the line width minus the indentation of the current line.
text str
A document with the unbreakable string str
val substring : string -> int -> int -> doc
substring str start length
A document with the unbreakable string str
starting at position start
and having length
char c
A document with the character c
val fill : int -> char -> doc
fill n c
A document with n
repetitions of the character c
val break : string -> doc
break str
A break hint with the alternative text str
A break hint with a blank as alternative text.
A break hint with an empty alternative text.
group doc
Treat all break hints belonging directly to doc
consistently. Either print all as newlines or print all with their alternative text.
This is the basic operation to decide break hints.
If the whole group and all text which follows until the next break hint after the group fits on a line, then all break hints (directly or indirectly) in the group are flattened i.e. printed with their alternative texts.
If the whole group does not fit, then all break hints belonging directly to the group are printed as effective newlines. The break hints of inner groups are considered separately.
nest n doc
The document doc
indented by n
This is the basic function to indicate a substructure to the pretty printer. The substructure is indented with respect to the parent document.
The indentation is valid after each effective line break. It is usually convenient to group the whole substructure and put a break hint before the group and group the parent structure and the substructure. This makes sure that either the parent and the child fit on a line or the child begins on a newline and is indented. See the function parent_child
below which does exactly that.
val parent_child : string -> int -> doc -> doc -> doc
parent_child hint indent parent child
Put the parent and the child in a group and separate them by a break hint with the alternative text hint
. Furthermore put the child in a separate group.
Equivalent to
<+> break hint
<+> nest indent (group child)
|> group
val with_width : int -> doc -> doc
with_width n doc
Format the document doc
with line width
val with_ribbon : int -> doc -> doc
with_ribbon n doc
Format the document doc
with ribbon
doc1 <+> doc2
Concatentate the documents doc1
and doc2
doc >> lazy_doc
Concatenate the document doc
with the lazy document lazy_doc
cat list
Concatenate all documents in the list
of documents.
separated_by sep list
Concatenate all documents in the list
of documents separated by sep
val pack : string -> doc list -> doc
pack str list
Pack as much documents of the list
of documents as possible into a line. I.e. separate all documents by a break hint with str
as an alternative text.
val stack : string -> doc list -> doc
stack str list
The same as separated_by (break str) list
val stack_or_pack : string -> doc list -> doc
stack_or_pack str list
Separate all documents of the list
by a break hint with alternative text str
and either print all break hints as newlines of with the alternative text str
val wrap_words : string -> doc
wrap_words str
Split the string str
into words (words are substrings of str
not containing blanks) and pack as many of them onto a line.