package activitypub_client

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val conf : Conf.t
val actor_conf :
val actor_iri : Iri.t
module H : Object.Http_t
val jsonld_string_to_graph : ?g:Rdf.Graph.graph -> string -> (Rdf.Graph.graph * Iri.t option) Lwt.t
val graph_to_jsonld_string : Rdf.Graph.graph -> string
val dereference : Object.dereferencer
class o : ?g:Rdf.Graph.graph -> ?dereference:Object.dereferencer -> Activitypub_client.Object.{Types} -> object ... end
val of_iri : ?g:Rdf.Graph.graph -> ?dereference:Object.dereferencer -> Iri.t -> o
val post_data : ?headers:Cohttp.Header.t -> ct:Ldp.Ct.t -> data:string -> Iri.t -> (Iri.t option, Activitypub_client.Object.{AP}1.E.error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val collection_next_items : ?check_delay:float -> ?after:Iri.t -> Activitypub_client.Object.{AP}1.Types.collection -> [ `L of Activitypub_client.Object.{AP} | `O of Activitypub_client.Object.{AP}1.Types.object_ ] Lwt_stream.t * (unit -> unit)

Innovation. Community. Security.