package activitypub

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Cohttp.Response end

This contains the metadata for a HTTP/1.1 response header, including the encoding, headers, version, status code and whether to flush the connection after every body chunk (useful for server-side events and other long-lived connection protocols). The body is handled by the separate S module type, as it is dependent on the IO implementation.

The interface exposes a fieldslib interface which provides individual accessor functions for each of the records below. It also provides sexp serializers to convert to-and-from an Core.Std.Sexp.t.

include Cohttp.S.Response
type t = Cohttp.Response.t = {
  1. encoding : Cohttp.Transfer.encoding;

    Transfer encoding of this HTTP response

  2. headers : Cohttp.Header.t;

    response HTTP headers

  3. version : Cohttp.Code.version;

    (** HTTP version, usually 1.1 *)

  4. status : Cohttp.Code.status_code;

    HTTP status code of the response

  5. flush : bool;
include Sexplib0.Sexpable.S with type t := t
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib0__.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0__.Sexp.t
val encoding : t -> Cohttp.Transfer.encoding
val headers : t -> Cohttp.Header.t
val version : t -> Cohttp.Code.version
val status : t -> Cohttp.Code.status_code
val flush : t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val make : ?version:Cohttp.Code.version -> ?status:Cohttp.Code.status_code -> ?flush:bool -> ?encoding:Cohttp.Transfer.encoding -> ?headers:Cohttp.Header.t -> unit -> t

The response creates by make ~encoding ~headers () has an encoding value determined from the content of headers or if no proper header is present, using the value of encoding. Checked headers are "content-length", "content-range" and "transfer-encoding". The default value of encoding is chunked.

val pp_hum : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Human-readable output, used by the toplevel printer

module Make = Cohttp.Response.Make

Functor to construct the IO-specific response handling function

include sig ... end
type reader
type writer
module IO : sig ... end
val read : IO.ic -> [ `Eof | `Invalid of string | `Ok of t ] IO.t
val has_body : t -> [ `No | `Unknown | `Yes ]
val make_body_writer : ?flush:bool -> t -> IO.oc -> writer
val make_body_reader : t -> IO.ic -> reader
val read_body_chunk : reader -> Cohttp.Transfer.chunk IO.t
val write_header : t -> IO.oc -> unit IO.t
val write_body : writer -> string -> unit IO.t
val write : ?flush:bool -> (writer -> unit IO.t) -> t -> IO.oc -> unit IO.t

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