package General

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This modules defines abbreviated aliases for all standard modules in :mod:`General`:

module Tst = Testing
module Ar = Array
module BigInt = BigInt
module Bo = Bool
module By = Bytes
module CallStack = CallStack
module Ch = Char
module Exit = Exit
module Exn = Exception
module Fl = Float
module Frmt = Format
module Fun1 = Function1
module Fun2 = Function2
module Fun3 = Function3
module Fun4 = Function4
module Fun5 = Function5
module Heap = Heap
module InCh = InChannel
module InFile = InFile
module Int = Int
module Int32 = Int32
module Int64 = Int64
module Laz = Lazy
module Li = List
module NativeInt = NativeInt
module Opt = Option
module OutCh = OutChannel
module OutFile = OutFile
module PriQu = PriorityQueue
module Ref = Reference
module SoMap = SortedMap
module SoSet = SortedSet
module StdErr = StdErr
module StdIn = StdIn
module StdOut = StdOut
module Str = String
module Strm = Stream
module Tu2 = Tuple2
module Tu3 = Tuple3
module Tu4 = Tuple4
module Tu5 = Tuple5
module Unit = Unit
module IntRa = IntRange
module FlOpt = FloatOption
module IntOpt = IntOption
module StrOpt = StringOption
module FlRef = FloatReference
module IntRef = IntReference
module StrRef = StringReference
module FlLi = FloatList
module IntLi = IntList
module StrLi = StringList
module ChSoSet = CharSortedSet
module FlSoSet = FloatSortedSet
module IntSoSet = IntSortedSet
module StrSoSet = StringSortedSet
module ChSoMap = CharSortedMap
module FlSoMap = FloatSortedMap
module IntSoMap = IntSortedMap
module StrSoMap = StringSortedMap

It also includes :mod:`General.Pervasives`.

include module type of Pervasives with module Int32 := Int32 and module Int64 := Int64

Some doc for :mod:`General.Pervasives`

include module type of Reset.ResetPervasives
val raise : [ `Please_use_General__Exception__raise ]
val raise_notrace : [ `Please_use_General__Exception__raise_without_backtrace ]
val invalid_arg : [ `Please_use_General__Exception__invalid_argument ]
val failwith : [ `Please_use_General__Exception__failure ]
val compare : [ `Please_use_General__Compare__Poly__compare ]
val min : [ `Please_use_General__Compare__Poly__min ]
val max : [ `Please_use_General__Compare__Poly__max ]
val (==) : [ `Please_use_General__Equate__Phys__equal ]
val (!=) : [ `Please_use_General__Equate__Phys__different ]
val (&) : [ `Please_use_General__Bool__and_ ]
val or : [ `Please_use_General__Bool__or_ ]
val succ : [ `Please_use_General__Int__succ ]
val pred : [ `Please_use_General__Int__pred ]
val abs : [ `Please_use_General__Int__abs ]
val max_int : [ `Please_use_General__Int__greatest ]
val min_int : [ `Please_use_General__Int__smallest ]
val (land) : [ `Please_use_General__Int__Bitwise__logical_and ]
val (lor) : [ `Please_use_General__Int__Bitwise__logical_or ]
val (lxor) : [ `Please_use_General__Int__Bitwise__logical_xor ]
val lnot : [ `Please_use_General__Int__Bitwise__logical_not ]
val (lsl) : [ `Please_use_General__Int__Bitwise__logical_shift_left ]
val (lsr) : [ `Please_use_General__Int__Bitwise__logical_shift_right ]
val (asr) : [ `Please_use_General__Int__Bitwise__arithmetic_shift_right ]
val sqrt : [ `Please_use_General__Float__sqrt ]
val exp : [ `Please_use_General__Float__exp ]
val log : [ `Please_use_General__Float__log ]
val log10 : [ `Please_use_General__Float__log10 ]
val expm1 : [ `Please_use_General__Float__expm1 ]
val log1p : [ `Please_use_General__Float__log1p ]
val cos : [ `Please_use_General__Float__cos ]
val sin : [ `Please_use_General__Float__sin ]
val tan : [ `Please_use_General__Float__tan ]
val acos : [ `Please_use_General__Float__acos ]
val asin : [ `Please_use_General__Float__asin ]
val atan : [ `Please_use_General__Float__atan ]
val atan2 : [ `Please_use_General__Float__atan2 ]
val hypot : [ `Please_use_General__Float__hypot ]
val cosh : [ `Please_use_General__Float__cosh ]
val sinh : [ `Please_use_General__Float__sinh ]
val tanh : [ `Please_use_General__Float__tanh ]
val ceil : [ `Please_use_General__Float__ceil ]
val floor : [ `Please_use_General__Float__floor ]
val abs_float : [ `Please_use_General__Float__abs ]
val copysign : [ `Please_use_General__Float__copy_sign ]
val mod_float : [ `Please_use_General__Float__modulo ]
val frexp : [ `Please_use_General__Float__to_parts ]
val ldexp : [ `Please_use_General__Float__of_parts ]
val modf : [ `Please_use_General__Float__to_fractional_and_integral ]
val float : [ `Please_use_General__Float__of_int ]
val float_of_int : [ `Please_use_General__Float__of_int ]
val truncate : [ `Please_use_General__Int__of_float ]
val int_of_float : [ `Please_use_General__Int__of_float ]
val infinity : [ `Please_use_General__Float__infinity ]
val neg_infinity : [ `Please_use_General__Float__negative_infinity ]
val nan : [ `Please_use_General__Float__not_a_number ]
val max_float : [ `Please_use_General__Float__smallest ]
val min_float : [ `Please_use_General__Float__greatest ]
val epsilon_float : [ `Please_use_General__Float__epsilon ]
type fpclass = [
  1. | `Please_use_General__Float__Class__t
val classify_float : [ `Please_use_General__Float__Class__of_float ]
val int_of_char : [ `Please_use_General__Char__of_int ]
val char_of_int : [ `Please_use_General__Char__to_int ]
val string_of_bool : [ `Please_use_General__Bool__to_string ]
val bool_of_string : [ `Please_use_General__Bool__of_string ]
val bool_of_string_opt : [ `Please_use_General__Bool__try_of_string ]
val string_of_int : [ `Please_use_General__Int__to_string ]
val int_of_string : [ `Please_use_General__Int__of_string ]
val int_of_string_opt : [ `Please_use_General__Int__try_of_string ]
val string_of_float : [ `Please_use_General__Float__of_string ]
val float_of_string : [ `Please_use_General__Float__to_string ]
val float_of_string_opt : [ `Please_use_General__Float__try_of_string ]
val fst : [ `Please_use_General__Tuple2__get_0 ]
val snd : [ `Please_use_General__Tuple2__get_1 ]
type in_channel = [
  1. | `Please_use_General__InChannel__t
type out_channel = [
  1. | `Please_use_General__OutChannel__t
val stdin : [ `Please_use_General__StdIn__channel ]
val stdout : [ `Please_use_General__StdOut__channel ]
val stderr : [ `Please_use_General__StdErr__channel ]
val print_char : [ `Please_use_General__StdOut__print ]
val print_string : [ `Please_use_General__StdOut__print ]
val print_bytes : [ `Please_use_General__StdOut__print ]
val print_int : [ `Please_use_General__StdOut__print ]
val print_float : [ `Please_use_General__StdOut__print ]
val print_endline : [ `Please_use_General__StdOut__print ]
val print_newline : [ `Please_use_General__StdOut__print ]
val prerr_char : [ `Please_use_General__StdErr__print ]
val prerr_string : [ `Please_use_General__StdErr__print ]
val prerr_bytes : [ `Please_use_General__StdErr__print ]
val prerr_int : [ `Please_use_General__StdErr__print ]
val prerr_float : [ `Please_use_General__StdErr__print ]
val prerr_endline : [ `Please_use_General__StdErr__print ]
val prerr_newline : [ `Please_use_General__StdErr__print ]
val read_line : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val read_int : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val read_int_opt : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val read_float : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val read_float_opt : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
type open_flag = [
  1. | `Please_use_General__todo
val open_out : [ `Please_use_General__OutFile__with_file ]
val open_out_bin : [ `Please_use_General__OutFile__with_file ]
val open_out_gen : [ `Please_use_General__OutFile__with_file ]
val flush : [ `Please_use_General__OutChannel__flush ]
val flush_all : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val output_char : [ `Please_use_General__OutChannel__print ]
val output_string : [ `Please_use_General__OutChannel__print ]
val output_bytes : [ `Please_use_General__OutChannel__output ]
val output : [ `Please_use_General__OutChannel__output ]
val output_substring : [ `Please_use_General__OutChannel__output ]
val output_byte : [ `Please_use_General__OutChannel__output ]
val output_binary_int : [ `Please_use_General__OutChannel__output ]
val output_value : [ `Please_use_General__OutChannel__output ]
val seek_out : [ `Please_use_General__OutFile__seek ]
val pos_out : [ `Please_use_General__OutFile__pos ]
val out_channel_length : [ `Please_use_General__OutFile__size ]
val close_out : [ `Please_use_General__OutFile__with_file ]
val close_out_noerr : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val set_binary_mode_out : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val open_in : [ `Please_use_General__InFile__with_file ]
val open_in_bin : [ `Please_use_General__InFile__with_file ]
val open_in_gen : [ `Please_use_General__InFile__with_file ]
val input_char : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val input_line : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val input : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val really_input : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val really_input_string : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val input_byte : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val input_binary_int : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val input_value : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val seek_in : [ `Please_use_General__InFile__seek ]
val pos_in : [ `Please_use_General__InFile__pos ]
val in_channel_length : [ `Please_use_General__InFile__size ]
val close_in : [ `Please_use_General__InFile__with_file ]
val close_in_noerr : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
val set_binary_mode_in : [ `Please_use_General__todo ]
module LargeFile : sig ... end
type 'a ref = [
  1. | `Please_use_General__Reference__t
val incr : [ `Please_use_General__IntReference__increment ]
val decr : [ `Please_use_General__IntReference__decrement ]
type ('a, 'b) result = [
  1. | `Please_use_General__todo
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 = [
  1. | `Please_use_General__Format__t
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4 = [
  1. | `Please_use_General__Format__t
type ('a, 'b, 'c) format = [
  1. | `Please_use_General__Format__t
val string_of_format : [ `Please_use_General__Format__to_string ]
val format_of_string : [ `Please_use_General__Format__of_string ]
val (^^) : [ `Please_use_General__Format__concat ]
val exit : [ `Please_use_General__Exit__exit ]
val at_exit : [ `Please_use_General__Exit__at_exit ]
val valid_float_lexem : [ `Please_use_General__Standard__OCamlStandard__Pervasives__valid_float_lexem ]
val unsafe_really_input : [ `Please_use_General__Standard__OCamlStandard__Pervasives__unsafe_really_input ]
val do_at_exit : [ `Please_use_General__Standard__OCamlStandard__Pervasives__do_at_exit ]
include module type of Reset.ResetStandardLibrary with module Int32 := Int32 with module Int64 := Int64
module OCamlStandard : sig ... end
module Pervasives : sig ... end
module Arg : sig ... end
module Array : sig ... end
module ArrayLabels : sig ... end
module Buffer : sig ... end
module Bytes : sig ... end
module BytesLabels : sig ... end
module Callback : sig ... end
module Char : sig ... end
module Complex : sig ... end
module Digest : sig ... end
module Ephemeron : sig ... end
module Filename : sig ... end
module Format : sig ... end
module Gc : sig ... end
module Genlex : sig ... end
module Hashtbl : sig ... end
module Lazy : sig ... end
module Lexing : sig ... end
module List : sig ... end
module ListLabels : sig ... end
module Map : sig ... end
module Marshal : sig ... end
module MoreLabels : sig ... end
module Nativeint : sig ... end
module Oo : sig ... end
module Parsing : sig ... end
module Printexc : sig ... end
module Printf : sig ... end
module Queue : sig ... end
module Random : sig ... end
module Scanf : sig ... end
module Set : sig ... end
module Sort : sig ... end
module Spacetime : sig ... end
module Stack : sig ... end
module StdLabels : sig ... end
module Stream : sig ... end
module String : sig ... end
module StringLabels : sig ... end
module Sys : sig ... end
module Uchar : sig ... end
module Weak : sig ... end
module Num : sig ... end
module Big_int : sig ... end
module Arith_status : sig ... end

This module overrides all elements from the standard `pervasives <>`_ with unusable but guiding values like:

.. val:: raise :noindex: :type: `Please_use_General__Exception__raise

The types of these values point at what replaces them in :mod:`General`. (In that case, :val:`General.Exception.raise`).

It then brings back a small set of ubiquitous values:

**Boolean operators**

val not : bool -> bool

Negation. Alias of :val:`General.Bool.O.not`.

val (&&) : bool -> bool -> bool

Conjunction. Lazy. Alias of :val:`General.Bool.O.(&&)`

val (||) : bool -> bool -> bool

Disjunction. Lazy. Alias of :val:`General.Bool.O.(||)`

**Integer operators**

val (~-) : int -> int
val (~+) : int -> int
val (+) : int -> int -> int
val (-) : int -> int -> int
val (*) : int -> int -> int
val (/) : int -> int -> int
val (mod) : int -> int -> int

**Floating point operators**

val (~-.) : float -> float
val (~+.) : float -> float
val (+.) : float -> float -> float
val (-.) : float -> float -> float
val (*.) : float -> float -> float
val (/.) : float -> float -> float
val (**) : float -> float -> float

**Function composition and application**

val (@@) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val (|>) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b
val (%) : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b


val ref : 'a -> 'a OCamlStandard.Pervasives.ref
val (:=) : 'a OCamlStandard.Pervasives.ref -> 'a -> unit
val (!) : 'a OCamlStandard.Pervasives.ref -> 'a

**Polymorphic comparison**

val (=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val (<>) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val (<) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val (<=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val (>=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val (>) : 'a -> 'a -> bool

**Ubiquitous functions**

val ignore : 'a -> unit
val identity : 'a -> 'a

**Miscelaneous operators**

val (@) : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
val (^) : string -> string -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.