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BAP 2.0 is released

The Binary Analysis Platform Blog

19 Nov 2019

The BAP Blog

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Unboxed Types for OCaml

OCaml has a well-deserved reputation for compiling quickly. This is thanks in part to its uniform representation: all values have the same memory layout, so generic code does not need to be specialized and recompiled for each use. This uniformity has a downside: some programs waste a lot of time converting back and forth to this uniform representation. In this talk, I’ll describe some work-in-progress to remove this overhead, by extending OCaml’s type system to allow other memory layouts, giving the programmer more fine-grained control over how code is compiled. Stephen is a programming languages researcher and OCaml core developer on Jane Street's Tools and Compilers team. Prior to that, he worked at OCaml Labs, did a PhD on subtyping, and wrote jq. His hobbies include hiking, cooking, and writing about himself in the third person.

24 Oct 2019

Jane Street - Tech Talks

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Unboxed Types for OCaml

OCaml has a well-deserved reputation for compiling quickly. This is thanks in part to its uniform representation: all values have the same memory layout, so generic code does not need to be specialized and recompiled for each use. This uniformity has a downside: some programs waste a lot of time converting back and forth to this uniform representation. In this talk, I’ll describe some work-in-progress to remove this overhead, by extending OCaml’s type system to allow other memory layouts, giving the programmer more fine-grained control over how code is compiled. Stephen is a programming languages researcher and OCaml core developer on Jane Street's Tools and Compilers team. Prior to that, he worked at OCaml Labs, did a PhD on subtyping, and wrote jq. His hobbies include hiking, cooking, and writing about himself in the third person.

24 Oct 2019

Jane Street - Tech Talks

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How to write a library for BuckleScript and Native

This blog post is an introduction on how to setup a library available for both BuckleScript and OCaml, sharing as much code as possible.

22 Oct 2019


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Commas in big numbers everywhere: An OpenType adventure

My job involves a lot of staring at large numbers, mostly latencies innanoseconds, and picking out magnitudes like microseconds. I noticedmyself constantly c...

14 Oct 2019

Jane Street Tech Blog

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Des nouvelles de la part de l'équipe compilateur d'OCamlPro

Nous sommes heureux de présenter certains travaux en cours sur le compilateur OCaml, travaux menés en étroite collaboration avec notre partenaire et client Janestreet. Un travail conséquent a été fait pour aboutir à un nouveau framework d’optimisation du compilateur, appelé Flambda2, dont ...

30 Sep 2019


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