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We are pleased to announce the release of OCamlFormat (available on opam). There have been numerous changes since the last release, so here…
Dmitrii Kovanikov's Personas Web Space
This blog post looks back on some of the improvements in opam 2.0, and gives tips on the new workflows available. Package development environment management Opam 2.0 has been vastly improved to handle locally defined packages. Assuming you have a project ~/projects/foo, defining two packages foo-lib...
Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer la release de la première version majeure de Liquidity, le langage de smart contracts et son outillage. Parmi les fonctions phares : multiples points d'entrée, système de contrats modulaire, polymorphisme et inférence de type, syntaxe ReasonML pour une plus grande ad...
Liquidity version 1.0 We are pleased to announce the release of the first major version of the Liquidity smart-contract language and associated tools. Some of the highlights of this version are detailed below. Multiple Entry Points In the previous versions of Liquidity, smart contracts were limited ...
Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer la première release de Techelson, moteur d’exécution de tests pour Michelson. Les programmeurs Liquidity peuvent également l’utiliser. Voir Techelson, a test execution engine for Michelson....
We are pleased to announce the first release of Techelson, available here. Techelson is a Test Execution Engine for Michelson. It aims at testing functional properties of Michelson smart contracts. Make sure to check the user documentation to get a sense of Techelson's workflow and features. For Liq...
Smart contracts calls already provide a built-in authentication mechanism as transactions (i.e. call operations) are cryptographically signed by the sender of the transaction. This is a guarantee on which programs can rely. However, sometimes you may want more involved or flexible authentication sch...