OCaml Users and Developers Workshop 2015
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Call for presentations (past)
Discussions will focus on the practical aspects of OCaml programming and the nitty gritty of the tool-chain and upcoming improvements and changes. Thus, we aim to solicit talks on all aspects related to improving the use or development of the language and of its programming environment, including, for example:
compiler developments, new backends, runtime and architectures
practical type system improvements, such as (but not limited to) GADTs, first-class modules, generic programming, or dependent types
new library or application releases, and their design rationales
tools and infrastructure services, and their enhancements
prominent industrial or experimental uses of OCaml, or deployments in unusual situations.
It will be an informal meeting, with an online scribe report of the meeting, but no formal proceedings. Slides of presentations will be available online from the workshop homepage. The presentations will likely be recorded, and made available at a later time.
To submit a talk, please register a description of the talk (about 2 pages long) at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ocaml2015, providing a clear statement of what will be brought by the talk: the problems that are addressed, the technical solutions or methods that are proposed. If you wish to perform a demo or require any special setup, we will do our best to accommodate you.
ML family workshop and post-proceedings
The ML family workshop, held on the previous day, deals with general issues of the ML-style programming and type systems, and is seen as more research-oriented. Yet there is an overlap with the OCaml workshop, which we are keen to explore, for instance by having a common session. The authors who feel their submission fits both workshops are encouraged to mention it at submission time and/or contact the Program Chairs.
Questions and contact
If you have any questions, please e-mail: Damien Doligez
19 Sep 2015
Videos of the talks are online
31 Jul 2015
programme and call for participation
Presentations (15)
Operf: Benchmarking the OCaml Compiler
Authors(s):Pierre Chambart, Fabrice Le Fessant, Vincent Bernardoff
Core.Time_stamp_counter: A fast high resolution time source
Authors(s):Roshan James, Christopher Hardin
Specialization of Generic Array Accesses After Inlining
Authors(s):Ryohei Tokuda, Eijiro Sumii, Akinori Abe
The State of the OCaml Platform: September 2015
Authors(s):Anil Madhavapeddy, Amir Chaudhry, Thomas Gazagnaire, Jeremy Yallop, David Sheets
Modular macros
Authors(s):Jeremy Yallop, Leo White
Global Semantic Analysis on OCaml programs
Authors(s):Thomas Blanc, Pierre Chambart, Michel Mauny, Fabrice Le Fessant
Effective Concurrency through Algebraic Effects
Authors(s):Stephen Dolan, Leo White, Kc Sivaramakrishnan, Jeremy Yallop, Anil Madhavapeddy
Persistent Networking with Irmin and MirageOS
Authors(s):Mindy Preston, Magnus Skjegstad, Thomas Gazagnaire, Richard Mortier, Anil Madhavapeddy
Four years of OCaml in production
Authors(s):Anders Fugmann, Jonas B. Jensen, Mads Hartmann Jensen
Conference Details
Program Committee
•Ashish AGARWAL(Solvuu, USA)
•Sandrine BLAZY(U. Rennes 1, France)
•Cristiano CALCAGNO(Facebook, USA)
•Emmanuel CHAILLOUX(U. Paris 6, France)
•Pierre CHAMBART(OCamlPro, France)
•Damien DOLIGEZ(Jane Street, USA and Inria, France (chair))
•Martin JAMBON(Esper, USA)
•Keigo IMAI(Kyoto University, Japan)
•Julien VERLAGUET(Facebook, USA)
•Markus WEISSMAN(TU. Muenchen, Germany)
•Jeremy YALLOP(OCaml Labs, UK)
Conference Details
•Mark Shinwell (Jane Street Europe, UK (chair))