Merlin 2.3
This release also contains contributions from: Rudi Grinberg, Fourchaux, Christopher Reichert, David Allsopp, Nick Borden, Mario Rodas, @Twinside, Pierre Chambart, Philipp Haselwarter, Tomasz Kołodziejski and Syohei Yoshida.
See full changelog
- locate: fix assert failure on first class modules inclusion
- outline: add support for classes and object types
- nonrec: enable by default for OCaml >= 4.02.2
- error reporting: less aggressive filtering on ghost locs
- finer-grained tracking of usage (values, opened modules, etc)
- significant improvement in the handling of PPX extensions:
- fix shell commandline and working directory
- normalize parsetree locations
- implement caching of intermediate rewriting
- merged support for MetaOCaml
- path to the standard library can now be specified with STDLIB command in .merlin
- BrowseT: split into Browse_node (OCaml version specific) and Merlin_browse, extract recursion scheme
- add Jump command, contributed by Tomasz Kołodziejski
- contextual-commands: optionnally specify the context (file, project) in which each command is interpreted
- better support for trunk
- many bugfixes
- update ARCHITECTURE and PROTOCOL documentations
- make use of contextual-commands, non backward compatible protocol change
- new merlin-set-flags command
- split into multiple files
- cleanup symbol namespaces:
- merlin- for user targeted definitions
- merlin-- for internal definitions,
- merlin/ for API definitions
- usability tweaks, notably on error display and navigation
- general cleanup and bugfixes
- expose custom .merlin loading through buffer variable
- cleanup and bugfixes, notably process liveness check and restart