Module Ephemeron.Kn

module Kn: sig .. end

Ephemerons with arbitrary number of keys of the same type.

type ('k, 'd) t 

an ephemeron with an arbitrary number of keys of the same type

val make : 'k array -> 'd -> ('k, 'd) t
val query : ('k, 'd) t -> 'k array -> 'd option
module Make: 
functor (H : Hashtbl.HashedType-> Ephemeron.S with type key = H.t array

Functor building an implementation of a weak hash table

module MakeSeeded: 
functor (H : Hashtbl.SeededHashedType-> Ephemeron.SeededS with type key = H.t array

Functor building an implementation of a weak hash table.

module Bucket: sig .. end