Module Pparse

module Pparse: sig .. end

Driver for the parser and external preprocessors.

Warning: this module is unstable and part of compiler-libs.

type error = 
| CannotRun of string
| WrongMagic of string
exception Error of error
val preprocess : string -> string
val remove_preprocessed : string -> unit
type 'a ast_kind = 
| Structure : Parsetree.structure ast_kind
| Signature : Parsetree.signature ast_kind
val read_ast : 'a ast_kind -> string -> 'a
val write_ast : 'a ast_kind -> string -> 'a -> unit
val file : tool_name:string ->
string -> (Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a) -> 'a ast_kind -> 'a
val apply_rewriters : ?restore:bool -> tool_name:string -> 'a ast_kind -> 'a -> 'a

If restore = true (the default), cookies set by external rewriters will be kept for later calls.

val apply_rewriters_str : ?restore:bool ->
tool_name:string -> Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.structure
val apply_rewriters_sig : ?restore:bool ->
tool_name:string -> Parsetree.signature -> Parsetree.signature
val report_error : error Format_doc.format_printer
val report_error_doc : error Format_doc.printer
val parse_implementation : tool_name:string -> string -> Parsetree.structure
val parse_interface : tool_name:string -> string -> Parsetree.signature
val call_external_preprocessor : string -> string -> string
val open_and_check_magic : string -> string -> in_channel * bool