Module Format_doc.Doc

module Doc: sig .. end

Definitions and immutable API for composing documents

Type definitions and core functions

type box_type = 
| H
| V
| HV
| HoV
| B

Format box types

type stag = Format.stag 
type element = 
| Text of string
| With_size of int
| Open_box of {
   kind : box_type;
   indent : int;
| Close_box
| Open_tag of Format.stag
| Close_tag
| Open_tbox
| Tab_break of {
   width : int;
   offset : int;
| Set_tab
| Close_tbox
| Simple_break of {
   spaces : int;
   indent : int;
| Break of {
   fits : string * int * string;
   breaks : string * int * string;
| Flush of {
   newline : bool;
| Newline
| If_newline
| Deprecated of (Format.formatter -> unit) (*

Escape hatch: a Format printer used to provide backward-compatibility for user-defined printer (from the #install_printer toplevel directive for instance).


Base formatting instruction recognized by Format

type t 

Immutable document type

type ('a, 'b) fmt = ('a, t, t, 'b) format4 
type printer0 = t -> t 
type 'a printer = 'a -> printer0 
val empty : t

Empty document

val format : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

format ppf doc sends the format instruction of doc to the Format's formatter doc.

val fold : ('acc -> element -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> t -> 'acc

Fold over a document as a sequence of instructions

val msg : ('a, t) fmt -> 'a

Format_doc.Doc.msg and Format_doc.Doc.kmsg produce a document from a format string and its argument

val kmsg : (t -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) fmt -> 'a
val printf : ('a, printer0) fmt -> 'a

Format_doc.Doc.printf and Format_doc.Doc.kprintf produce a printer from a format string and its argument

val kprintf : (t -> 'b) ->
('a, t -> 'b) fmt -> 'a
val open_box : box_type -> int -> printer0

The functions below mirror Format printers, without the pp_print_ prefix naming convention

val close_box : printer0
val text : string printer
val string : string printer
val bytes : bytes printer
val with_size : int printer
val int : int printer
val float : float printer
val char : char printer
val bool : bool printer
val space : printer0
val cut : printer0
val break : spaces:int -> indent:int -> printer0
val custom_break : fits:string * int * string ->
breaks:string * int * string -> printer0
val force_newline : printer0
val if_newline : printer0
val flush : printer0
val force_stop : printer0
val open_tbox : printer0
val set_tab : printer0
val tab : printer0
val tab_break : width:int -> offset:int -> printer0
val close_tbox : printer0
val open_tag : stag printer
val close_tag : printer0
val list : ?sep:printer0 ->
'a printer -> 'a list printer
val iter : ?sep:printer0 ->
iter:(('a -> unit) -> 'b -> unit) ->
'a printer -> 'b printer
val array : ?sep:printer0 ->
'a printer -> 'a array printer
val seq : ?sep:printer0 ->
'a printer -> 'a Seq.t printer
val option : ?none:printer0 ->
'a printer -> 'a option printer
val result : ok:'a printer ->
error:'e printer ->
('a, 'e) result printer
val either : left:'a printer ->
right:'b printer ->
('a, 'b) Either.t printer