package ounit2

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
OUnit testing framework


Dune Dependency






OUnit is a unit test framework for OCaml. It allows one to easily create unit-tests for OCaml code. It is loosely based on [HUnit], a unit testing framework for Haskell. It is similar to [JUnit], and other XUnit testing frameworks.

Published: 27 Jan 2020


OUnit - xUnit testing framework for OCaml

OUnit is a unit test framework for OCaml. It allows one to easily create unit-tests for OCaml code. It is loosely based on HUnit, a unit testing framework for Haskell. It is similar to JUnit, and other XUnit testing frameworks.


The recommended way to install ounit is via the opam package manager:

$ opam install ounit


API documentation is available online.


Transition to ounit2

In the past OUnit used the ocamlfind package name "oUnit". It is uncommon to use uppercase letters in ocamlfind package name. It caused some problems during the transition to "dune". It was also not the same name as the OPAM package. As of version 2.2, the opam package ounit and the ocamlfind package oUnit are renamed to ounit2 (the same for both the ocamlfind and opam packages).

To do the transition for your own tests:

  • in OPAM, the library should now depends on "ounit2" or "ounit2-lwt"

  • in dune files/OASIS/Makefile/ replace "oUnit" by "ounit2" and "ounit-lwt" to "ounit2-lwt".

We will keep OPAM packages "ounit"/"ounit-lwt" for the transition.

Dependencies (5)

  1. stdlib-shims
  2. base-unix
  3. base-bytes
  4. dune >= "1.11.0"
  5. ocaml >= "4.02.3" & < "5.0"

Dev Dependencies


  1. 0install >= "2.17"
  2. 0install-gtk >= "2.17"
  3. 0install-solver
  4. abella >= "2.0.8"
  5. arg-complete
  6. binsec >= "0.4.0"
  7. bisect_ppx >= "2.0.0" & < "2.6.0"
  8. bitgenerators
  9. camlp5 >= "8.00~alpha04" & < "8.00" | >= "8.00.05"
  10. capnp >= "3.6.0"
  11. charset
  12. cll
  13. clp_operations
  14. cobs
  15. conjury >= "2.0.1"
  16. containers = "3.8"
  17. coq-core < "8.19.0"
  18. ctypes >= "0.21.1"
  19. ctypes-foreign >= "0.21.1"
  20. cudf >= "0.10"
  21. deadlock
  22. debian-formats >= "0.1.2"
  23. decoders-bencode >= "1.0.0"
  24. decoders-cbor >= "1.0.0"
  25. decoders-ezjsonm >= "1.0.0"
  26. decoders-jsonaf
  27. decoders-jsonm >= "1.0.0"
  28. decoders-msgpck >= "1.0.0"
  29. decoders-sexplib >= "1.0.0"
  30. decoders-yojson >= "1.0.0"
  31. devkit >= "1.20210120"
  32. dkml-c-probe >= "3.0.0"
  33. dtoa >= "0.3.3"
  34. dual
  35. edn >= "0.2.0"
  36. epictetus
  37. errpy
  38. extunix >= "0.3.1"
  39. fileutils >= "0.6.4"
  40. gapi-ocaml >= "0.4.3"
  41. gen >= "1.0"
  42. goblint >= "1.1.1"
  43. google-drive-ocamlfuse >= "0.7.29"
  44. inotify >= "2.4"
  45. iostream
  46. iostream-camlzip
  47. ipaddr >= "5.3.1"
  48. ipaddr-sexp >= "5.3.1"
  49. iter >= "1.6"
  50. jsonschema2atd
  51. jupyter >= "2.7.6"
  52. kind2
  53. lambdasoup >= "0.7.2"
  54. leveldb >= "1.3.0"
  55. lz4 >= "1.2.0"
  56. macaddr >= "5.3.1"
  57. macaddr-sexp >= "5.3.1"
  58. markdown
  59. markup >= "1.0.0"
  60. mirage-block-ccm >= "1.1.0"
  61. mirage-block-unix >= "2.13.0"
  62. mirage-bootvar
  63. mirage-crypto >= "0.10.6"
  64. mirage-crypto-pk >= "0.10.6"
  65. mirage-crypto-rng >= "0.10.6"
  66. mlbdd >= "0.7.2"
  67. mock-ounit >= "1.0.0"
  68. mustache = "3.2.0"
  69. mustache-cli
  70. mutaml
  71. mysql_protocol >= "3.0.1"
  72. ocolor >= "1.3.1"
  73. orsetto >= "1.0.3"
  74. otoml >= "0.9.2"
  75. ounit = "2.2.2"
  76. ounit2-lwt = "2.2.2"
  77. oxylc
  78. packstream
  79. pcre2 >= "7.5.2"
  80. plato
  81. posix-getopt >= "2.0.0"
  82. ppx_const >= "2.0"
  83. ppx_deriving >= "5.2"
  84. ppx_deriving_protobuf >= "3.0.0"
  85. ppx_deriving_yojson >= "3.7.0"
  86. ppx_getenv >= "2.0"
  87. ppx_make
  88. ppx_pyformat
  89. ppx_viewpattern
  90. qcheck-ounit >= "0.14"
  91. qmp >= "0.19.0"
  92. qtest >= "2.11.1"
  93. redis >= "0.7"
  94. redis-lwt >= "0.5"
  95. redis-sync >= "0.5"
  96. rtree
  97. sha >= "1.15.1"
  98. shared-block-ring >= "3.0.0"
  99. sifun
  100. starpath
  101. tar-mirage >= "2.0.0" & < "2.4.0"
  102. tiny_httpd >= "0.8" & < "0.13"
  103. tls >= "0.13.0"
  104. toml >= "7.0.0"
  105. toml_cconv >= "7.0.0"
  106. tuntap >= "2.0.1"
  107. uri >= "4.4.0"
  108. uri-re >= "4.4.0"
  109. uri-sexp >= "4.4.0"
  110. vchan >= "6.0.2"
  111. vec >= "0.2.0"
  112. vhd-format-lwt >= "0.12.3"
  113. vlq >= "0.2.1"
  114. xenstore >= "2.2.0"
  115. zmq >= "5.1.1"
  116. zmq-async >= "5.1.1"
  117. zmq-eio
  118. zmq-lwt >= "5.1.1"




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