package dune-rpc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
type 'a fiber
type chan
module Versioned : sig ... end
val request : ?id:Id.t -> t -> ('a, 'b) Versioned.request -> 'a -> ('b, Response.Error.t) Stdune.result fiber
val notification : t -> 'a Versioned.notification -> 'a -> unit fiber
val disconnected : t -> unit fiber
module Stream : sig ... end
val poll : ?id:Id.t -> t -> 'a Sub.t -> ('a Stream.t, Version_error.t) Stdune.result fiber
module Batch : sig ... end
module Handler : sig ... end
type proc =
  1. | Request : ('a, 'b) Decl.request -> proc

    The client may send the declared request

  2. | Notification : 'a Decl.notification -> proc

    The client may send the declared notification

  3. | Poll : 'a Procedures.Poll.t -> proc

    The client may start the declared polling loop

  4. | Handle_request : ('a, 'b) Decl.request * ('a -> 'b fiber) -> proc

    The client can handle the declared request

val connect_with_menu : ?handler:Handler.t -> private_menu:proc list -> chan -> Initialize.Request.t -> f:(t -> 'a fiber) -> 'a fiber
val connect : ?handler:Handler.t -> chan -> Initialize.Request.t -> f:(t -> 'a fiber) -> 'a fiber

Innovation. Community. Security.